Real Powder Snow

Hello Skiers and Boarders,

What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday it was gloomy, wet, drizzling and it looked like the end of the ski season.  Sometime in the early morning hours the air cooled and snow fell from the sky.  Something like 10 inches of beautiful white snow piled up on the surface of our earth.

I woke up early this morning to sound of a diesel engine a bright light shining into my window.

This morning was one of the few mornings, perhaps the second or third, when a snowplow came to visit my driveway and our street.  I was so excited that I jumped out of bed to watch snow fly through the air landing on empty land and leaving a nice clean black driveway behind.  This was a fast moving storm.  It was here and then it was gone.  The early morning grey clouds soon move east leaving crystal clear skies overhead.  We were in line at Summit before it opened along with a pretty good number of other skiers and boarders.  Yesterdays brown snow and dirt patches were white and tree branches held frozen snow.  It looked like winter.  It was a real ski day for a change.  It is amazing how just a few inches of snow can change a mountain.  We forgot the groomed runs of yesteryear and skied off piste most of the day.  Untracked powder did not last long, but it was wonderful while it lasted.  Fresh tracks in soft snow under blue skies.  It does not get better.  Even the cut up slopes were soft and skiing like they should in a normal winter.  We skied D7, Wolverine, North Peril, South Peril, Tower 19ish, Terry’s Return, Lower High Yellow Face, Part of Sympathy and a few others.  I would suggest keeping off Yellow Trail as it is still very rocky at the bottom.  Snow guns were blasting away on Ridge Run in an effort to allow Scott to open again.  People were hiking over Keyhole skiing Lower Saddle and High Yellow Face, but I think these areas are still on the thin side and perhaps not worth the hike.

We need more, but today breathed a little hope into our hearts.

Enjoy your day,


The Unofficial Alpine Meadows Ski Report
Produced by Andy Wertheim
Tahoe Truckee Realtor
Cell: 530-386-0734

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